Thursday, July 31, 2008

how do you leave behind groceries?

ok. since i started doing the service desk, part of my responsibility has been to log and put away left behind groceries. this has, and always will, boggle my fucking mind. i understand if you are in a rush, i guess but even then, leaving behind a bag of groceries just makes no sense to me. i've had some stellar run-in's with people who were dumb enough to forget stuff.

recently, the front end manager brought up a gigantic bag of groceries. there were like, 4 frozen boxes of vegetables, some rice mixes, a bag of baby carrots, a cucumber, and some other veggie item. my eyes definitely bugged out of my head, due to the sheer size of this left behind. you have to be dumb or blind to forget something of this magnitude. so, i write it down, and just as i'm going to put the frozen stuff back on the shelf, the phone rings. i pick it up, answer accordingly, and all of a sudden i get:

"did i leave a bag of groceries?"
"was it veggies, rice, etc...?"
"oh! it's right here i was just about to put it back on the shelf"
"WHY would you do that?"
"'s frozen and needs to go back on the shelf"
"ugh. whatever. its not like i'm coming back for it now anyway"
(right here i paused and thought to myself: 'then what the fuck is the big deal if i put it back on the shelf or not, crazy?')
"well, when you're ready or available to come pick it up, i wrote it down in the book, so just bring your receipt back and we'll gladly replace it for you."
"but i threw out my reciept"
"then jut say you spoke to me. my name's miss m."

really? i don't get it. you're the idiot who forgot a gigantic bag of groceries. not only that, i'm telling you that there's not going to be any sort of problem getting your groceries back. at all.

just another day in paradise, ladies and gentlemen.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"can i pay for this here?"

originally, my topic for today was going to be about left-behind orders, because they boggle my mind. however, events that transpired last night during my shift forced me to alter my ideas. read on...

ok. so i have been working at the customer service counter since i was 18 years old. i love it. 98% of the time that is. the service counter exists for price checks, lottery, cigarettes, returns, and general complaints (that are usually (somehow) my fault). it's not really a register. yeah. if its busy, i'll take someone, not a big deal. if you have an item or two and you're buying cigs, then yeah, cool by all means. but don't arbitrarily decide that you can't walk the extra 30 feet to the registers because you want to pay for your milk there. odds are, you're going to have to pass the registers anyway, due to the fact you probably parked on that side of the store.

now. i've had people actually force items on me. but last night may have taken the cake. so it's busy at my desk, but not on the actual registers. this man comes up with hi two kids, and an armful of stuff. oh. and i'm in the middle of my dinner (we don't actually get breaks. hmph). the transaction went as follows:

Man: can i pay for this here?

Me: Sir, this really isn't a register, and there are people waiting for cigarettes and lottery behind you...

Man: well. fine. what if i buy a lottery ticket? will you let me pay for it then?

Me (deciding its probably not worth even trying to argue with this jackass): uh. fine. whatever. do you have your card?

Man: No. slide one for me. man, that was easy, you're quite the pushover. haha

Me: *supersarcastically* Yeah. i'm SUCHHHH a pushover. i just didn't want to argue with you. your total is $15.79.

Man (goes to hand me a credit card.): here.

Me: you have to slide it...ok hit the yes button please. Sign Here please. What kind of lotter ticket did you want?

Man: oh none. that was just so i could pay here so i didnt have to wait on line. (walks away)

ARE YOU SERIOUS?! how do i attract these people? what a douchebag. i almost lost it and followed him out of the store. what kind of person is that much of an asshole?

good news. i'm off for the rest of the week, minivacation this weekend. but dont you worry. i have some general rantings to let loose on you, my adoring readers.

ps-i would like to thank kimmy for coming up with the name of this blog. she rules<3

Monday, July 28, 2008

the beginning

alright. i was kind of inspired by my mom's idea that i should write a book about my (mis)adventures working in grocery stores for what seems to be the last 8 or so years of my life. (i say 'or so', because there actually was a gap from when i was 19-almost 21 where i worked as a hostess at a cheap-o steakhouse chain. but that's a whole other barrel of monkeys.)

while i understand that my foray into the world of supermarket chains is only a means to an end (i graduate in january. fucking FINALLY.), they have inevitably been a big part of my life since i was approximately 15 years old. and that means that the incredible idiots, assholes, and occasional nice person have been part of my life as well. i intend to document the final months of my supermarket career here in this fantastic blog. get used to lots of bitching and snarkyness, some bad jokes, and incredibly foul language.

you have been warned.